About Altox – English
Altox is a consultative company specialized within the areas of the Environment, Occupational health, Biocides, Cosmetics, Toys and Chemicals. Altox has two main activities: Counselling and Courses.

The regulations on chemicals are changed frequently. Many companies therefore prefer to use a consultant, who is always up to date with the regulations. Altox is such a consultant.
- Toxicological evaluations of chemical substances and products
- Ecotoxicological evaluations of chemical substances and products
- Classification and labelling of substances and mixtures according to EC regulations and special Scandinavian regulations
- Elaboration of suppliers and employers SDS according to EC regulations and special Scandinavian regulations (there is around 10 other orders and regulations, which must be taken into consideration)
- Advise on transportation of dangerous goods according to
- ADR/RID- and IMDG-regulations
- Calculation of 1993 Code numbers according to special Danish regulations
- Evaluation and labelling of cosmetic products according to EC regulations
- Advise on waste codes and handling of waste according to EC regulations and special Scandinavian regulations
- Notifications to the authorities (including the Product registers in the three Scandinavian countries)
- Evaluation and labelling of detergents and cleansing agents according to the EC recommendation
- Toxicological evaluation of toys (paint, plasticine etc.)
- Contact to the Authorities
- Application for exemptions
- Management of chemicals
Altox also arrange and give courses for chemists, biologists, engineers, laboratory technicians, manufactures, importers and other people who, in some way or the other, have contact with dangerous chemical substances and products.
- Explanatory courses concerning suppliers Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
- Explanatory courses concerning employers SDS
- Classification of dangerous chemical products
- Evaluation of the potential danger of substances
- Personal protection/equipment
- 1993-Code numbers
- EWC = European Waste Codes
- Regulation on carcinogenic substances
- Evaluation and environmental classification of chemical substances and products
- ensure fulfilling of the Danish Act on Chemical Substances and Products
- make a satisfactory toxicological evaluation of a product
- make the SDS
- calculate the 1993-Codenumber
- carry out the notification to the Authorities
it is absolutely necessary that Altox, on behalf of the importer or manufacturer, has a profound knowledge of the chemical composition.
We are aware of the fact that in the process of evaluating whether a product is dangerous and might require a SDS, we acquire profound knowledge concerning the product.
We guarantee, that all information obtained will be treated as strictly confidential.
Foreign companies who sell their products in Denmark through the auspices of a Danish importer, generally desire to keep details of their formulas and manufacturing processes secret.
Prior to publication, the SDS will be forwarded to the manufacturer, for approval, if some of the confidential information has to be mentioned in the SDS in order to conform with Danish law.
In order to keep the information confidential, only the scientific personnel working for Altox have access to sensitive information, which is kept under lock and key.
Finally we wish to state, categorically, that no government body is permitted to produce SDS’s or official notifications.
Yours sincerely
Pernille Hjaltalin
Manager, consultant and partner
[email protected]
Peter Waksman
Consultant, partner
[email protected]
Jon Vastrup
Product specialist
[email protected]
Mette Terndrup Christensen
Digital Marketing Manager
[email protected]